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您的位置:首頁  技術支持 本頁的SQL例句全部懂了,你的數(shù)據(jù)庫開發(fā)所需知識就夠用了


來源:yocin  時間:2012-2-17 14:20:01  欄目:技術支持  點擊率:4815

select * from studio   
insert into studio(st_name,st_sex,st_age,st_add,st_tel) values("黃蘭淇",0,36,'南充','13943943334')
select * from class
insert into class(cl_class,cl_coding,cl_o_time,cl_remark) values('新電實訓班','GXA-ncs-001','2008-03-11','都是很優(yōu)秀的朋友')
insert into class(cl_class,cl_coding,cl_o_time) values('阿壩師專實訓班','GXA-ABSZ-001','2008-03-11')

--更新一條的數(shù)據(jù)   條件的重要性
update class set cl_remark='真的是不錯' where cl_id=5
--刪除一條數(shù)據(jù)   條件的重要性
delete from class where cl_id=7

select cl_id as '班級主鍵',cl_class as '班級名稱' from class

select 名字=st_name from studio

select '名字是:',st_name from studio

--主要涉及到 or and not between in like  > < = !> !< != <> () <= >=  is null  is not null

--查詢cl_id 大于 1 的所有信息
select * from class where cl_id>1

--使用 or
select * from class where cl_id<>10 or cl_class='百杰一班'

select * from class where cl_id<>10 and cl_class='百杰一班'

--使用like 和 %
select * from class where cl_class like '百杰%'
select * from class where cl_remark like '%上午%'

--使用 between
select * from class where cl_id between 3 and 5

--使用 between 配合上 not
select * from class where cl_id not between 3 and 5

--使用 is not null
select * from class where cl_remark is not null

--使用 in 
select * from class where cl_class in('千星一班','百杰二班')

  【 1 】  【 2 】  【 3 】  【 4 】  【 5 】 
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